Today I went to the library café to get a sandwich and an apple. I’m waiting on a line that’s doubling back and forth a couple times since it’s rush hour, and after about a minute or so of waiting I get to the fruit section. I reach for an apple and am stopped by a man behind the counter: “sir we ask that you please use the tongs”. Innately and internally my first response is an enthusiastic “fuck you dickhead” while I jump up and use my balls to slowly roll the apple down to a height where I can grab it. This might be an overreaction, so I’ll consider using my second internal response: “do you have a disposable latex glove I can use to grab the tongs to grab the apple?” After all, if it’s a problem with another hand touching a place where your hand is going to touch, doesn’t this make sense? But I’m such a pleasant citizen that I go to my third (and most pleasant! Because I’m pleasant) internal response: “why do I have to use tongs to grab an apple?”
He replies: “Well some people don’t like other people to touch things that they’re going to eat. If it was a banana it’d be a different story.” Immediately I’m thinking that in this case—those people are wrong. I have mathematically derived a list of places where this would make sense, or where it could be considered appropriate to require tongs in grabbing an apple[i] (this is an end-note). Since a library at a university does not fall under any of these four mandatory axioms that I have derived for tong-apple-grabbing (TAG)—we conclude that it doesn’t not make sense to use tongs in grabbing apples at a university library.
Another idea came to mind…
It seemed to this man, (or whoever instated the policy and required this man to enforce it) that people who preferred to use tongs to pick up apples made up a “group” and that the group’s wishes had to be respected. I see it differently. Even if they are a group—they are wrong. I envisioned a conversation where the man says to me: “these people have a certain view, and even though there might be evidence to suggest they are wrong, they still make up a large demographic and as a result they have to be respected.” I hoped I’d be lucky enough for a documentary of the holocaust to come on the TV, so that we could both watch hundreds of soldiers goose-stepping in the name of genocide and I could say, “you’re right man.”
This analogy has some faults in the sense that the people who are using tongs to pick up apples aren’t doing the same sort of “harm” as Hitler did to the Jewish or Gypsy people. But I would like to make sure it is understood that there is concrete and tangible harm being done to me in this case. No, it is not nearly as bad as the holocaust—it’s hardly a comparison. But it is bad. Tonight I will lose at least an hour of sleep thinking about this (at the very least) and other things like this. Tomorrow I will lose another hour, on an issue the same or philosophically comparable to this. These things have happened for years. 1 hour * 7 hours (a week) = 7 hours lost. 7 hours * 4 = 28 hours (a month). 28 * 12 = 252 hours (a year), 252*5(an approximation of how long these things have been on my mind) = 1,260 hours. Those hours will and have affected my health. Grades, social endeavors, sports practices, societal duties: these things have suffered. This is actual harm done. It’s not genocide—but it is tangible. It is not victimless. If you want to be nitpicky about hours (there’s no way he loses an hour a sleep a night over that), there are many nights that I’ve lost all my sleep over it. So this suffices as an appropriate average to me. One response might be that I should get over it, which prompts my first internal response: “fuck you dickhead”, followed by my second internal response: “(something about my balls),” followed by my third external (and very pleasant) response: “Why should I? And if I do, what comes next if this is left unchecked?”
Authors Note: If you have any mathematical proofs to submit that contradict my four axioms of tong-apple grabbing (TAG), please submit them to:
Sam Fishman
The University Press, Office 116A
Princeton, NJ, 10067
1) A sperm bank cafeteria
2) A malaria support group meeting: a meeting that people with malaria attend in order cope with their illness (and evidently to eat apples).
3) A farmer’s market inside of a dog’s asshole (I realize this example is controversial: one might argue that while inside of a dog’s asshole it might be considered trivial to grab an apple with a tong since you’re already inside of a dog’s asshole, and any extra bacteria from your hand would have a negligible impact on your health as a result of this).
4) A private practice clinic specializing in switching the location of your hands and your reproductive organs. (Again, this is controversial: other tools might be required besides tongs in order to pick up an apple in this case)
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