Wednesday, October 7, 2009

"The State of Social Society"

The following article is a paper I read many months ago and have forgotten about it until it popped up in an e-mail. The author (or authors) are clearly drunk while writing this; and that's what made me enjoy reading it, although none of the lines mean anything. I have made no edits or additions to the paper. Enjoy.

The State of Social Society

In order to describe the state of social injustice, the state of social justice cannot remain undefined. What can classify as social justice? Is one to classify this as trans-gender acceptance (attraction from one gender to another as a result of personal technique), or is one to clarify it as the ability to remain alone, without this acceptance? It is clear, at least in this day in age, that social conformity lies in the area of the former, regarding the attraction between one of a certain sex and the other. This social injustice is based off of not only a compromise, but of a pursuit, which roots from an incentive to agree rather than disagree. It is in this way that social injustice can be modernly be classified as a state of social agreement and compromise.
What is most important about the state of social justice is that it allows for further “justness.” This state of “justness” is heavily reliant upon the formerly discussed individuals desire to compromise and agree with the values of another who there attraction is based upon.

• People are encouraged to compromise because of the lack of need to survive. For example, the woman who desires a tailor has the optin to marry him because he can buy meat from a market and does not have to hunt, and thus not need to marry her desire for a hunter,

• Compromisation is a natural instinct because of it’s ease in choice. It is not detrimental to the individual to compromise because of it’s lack of necessity. If the individual is to compromise, he or she is allowed this choice, this choice is not made out of a survival instinct, but merely of desire.

• Social injustice roots from desire, and not survival.

• Desire links to success.

• Some do not have the capacity to succeed, this is social justice.

• Social Injustice is the acknowledgement of agreement over ability and pride.

• Safety encourages the concept of compromising, and because safety’s origins are not concrete, it cannot be defined. If safety were to be defined,

• Social justice in the majority, is social injustice. Social injustice in the minority is social justice in the majority.

• A social minority challenges and refuses to accepts.

• Social justice is survival, and social injustice is the lack of ability or desire to survive.

• Those who are not killed but are injust can survive and thus disprove the fatality of social justice, but do not disprove it’s inaccurate claims.


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